Since 1984, passion for entomology, meticolous attention to details and tradition of quality. We give value to the made in Italy exporting in Europe and all around the world, thanking the typical precision of our handicraft

Trombidium holosericeum
Every customer has his own story. To have a big choice of equipments and specific tools is important to work well. Our products are based on the experience of entomologysts of international fame

Sternocera castanea
We do not miss even the smallest detail. Because details, in entomology, are everything. We guarantee precision, accuracy in workmanship at a moderate price

Danaus chrysippus
We know what is important for an entomologyst! Have a deep look to this web site, and you will discover that we are focused on your needs and that our products satisfy your requests

Lucilia sp
- Entomological Boxes
- Entomological Boxes Toledano System
- Waterproof envelopes for disinfestation and conservation
- Cases for Minerals and Shells
- Cardboard units
- Portable Box
- Glass Showcase
- Ornamental entomological boxes
- Plastozote panels
- Pesticide Cells
- Anti-parasitic - Camphor
- Collecting Nets
- Insect breeding cages
- Malaise Traps
- Litter Reducer
- Clap Nets
- Butterfly Envelopes
- Chopped Corks
- Polyethylene/glass bottles
- Plastic insect jar
- Insect Aspirator
- Insect Pins
- Setting Boards for Lepidoptera
- Adhesive stripes for setting boards
- Setting Strips
- Spreading Planes
- Glues for Insects
- Forceps
- Scalpels
- Scissors
- Preparation Pins
- Mounting boards with three lines
- Mounting boards without lines
- Labels in Transparent Acetate
- Pinning Blocks
- Genitalia Micro Vials
- Herbarium Presses
- Identification Labels
- Magnifiers and optics
- Microscopes
- Entomological cabinets
- Books - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region
- Books about Entomology - Prices including taxes
Categorie prodotti
Short description
- Entomological Boxes
- Entomological Boxes Toledano System
- Waterproof envelopes for disinfestation and conservation
- Cases for Minerals and Shells
- Cardboard units
- Portable Box
- Glass Showcase
- Plastozote panels
- Pesticide Cells
- Anti-parasitic - Camphor
- Collecting Nets
- Insect breeding cages
- Malaise Traps
- Litter Reducer
- Clap Nets
- Butterfly Envelopes
- Chopped Corks
- Polyethylene/glass bottles
- Plastic insect jar
- Insect Aspirator
- Insect Pins
- Setting Boards for Lepidoptera
- Adhesive stripes for setting boards
- Setting Strips
- Spreading Planes
- Glues for Insects
- Forceps
- Scalpels
- Scissors
- Preparation Pins
- Mounting boards with three lines
- Mounting boards without lines
- Labels in Transparent Acetate
- Pinning Blocks
- Genitalia Micro Vials
- Herbarium Presses
- Identification Labels
- Magnifiers and optics
- Microscopes
- Entomological cabinets
- Books - Guide to the Butterflies of the Palearctic Region
- Books about Entomology - Prices including taxes